〒150-0002 東京都渋谷区渋谷3-16-3 髙桑ビル 5階
Registration is closed
What details will you discover at In the Details group art exhibition at Gallery Le Deco’s 5th Floor?
Starting Tues, January 29 at 11:00AM, stop by to see the amazing work of 14 artist members of Art Byte Critique Group and their interpretations of the theme utilizing their favorite materials.
Watch for additional workshops, artist talks, and our Reception on Friday eve, Feb 1 at 6PM. We look forward to seeing you!
Participating artists include:
Deanna Gabiga
Yoshiyuki Horikoshi
Arthur J Huang
Patty Hudak
Mariko Jesse
Yuko Kamei
Ling Liu
Kit Pancoast Nagamura
Mia O
Misako Oba
Lori Ono
Tanya Tanaka
Nick West
and Michelle Zacharias
1月29日(火) 〜 2月3日(日) 時間
レセプション: 2月1日(金)
ギャラリー・ルデコ 5階